2016年10月4日 星期二


嚴選特級好米契作栽植,在齊心打造幸福滋味的共同信念下,歷經春耕、夏耘、秋收、冬藏…一年四季的循環往復,以簡單純樸的農耕生活,傳遞這份用心耕耘的幸福與富足。 Top-quality rice is painstakingly selected through a careful process that guarantees its exquisite flavors. With the four seasons come the different stages of rice sowing, weeding,harvesting, and preservation, as the simple traditions and rhythms of farm life and labor combine with rice production to create a sense of happiness and fulfillment. 春耕 Spring sowing 剛播種下的秧苗,吐出新芽,展露春天的氣息。 The young seedlings have yet to bud and sprout, creating the timeless spectacle of spring. 夏耘 Summer weeding 農人們在田間耘草,秧苗茁壯,一片翠綠的田園風光。 Amongst the emerald green of rice paddies, the farmers weed between rows of newly- emerging sprouts. 秋收 Autumn harvesting 稻實結穗飽滿豐收,一望無際,陽光把田野染成金黃色。 The sun transforms rice paddies into light-gold hues during the harvest season. 冬藏 Winter preservation 水稻結束收割進入休耕,農閒時節,休養靜待立春的到來。 After the harvest, the countryside is silent and peaceful. The work is done and it is time to rest and wait for the return of spring.